Hi y'all! My name is Yaneisy but you can also call me Yani (she/they). I’m 27 and work as a personal assistant and artist and am taking the summer to immerse myself in places that care heavily about the arts. I am a second generation immigrant of Cuban descent based in Miami, FL but am considering living in a different country than the US for uhh obvi reasons lol My interests and hobbies include Capoeira de Angola, painting, reading, pre-Colombian art and belief systems, learning about mushrooms, imagining a brighter future without genocide and fighting like hell for it, and obsessing over my cat hija. Let's be friends!
I make art that embraces the beauty in/actively gives life to many things that are actively stifled and rejected in Western cultures: feminine rage, ancient queerness, pre-Colombian and post-colonial ways of being, diasporic mysticism, and fungi. I also embody these topics in my daily practice through capoeira, educating myself and others, learning from my ancestors, meditation, protest, and caring for the environment.