I am a grower of food, a repository of trust, a herbalist, an athlete, a world traveler, a cook, a manager of systems and projects, and a provider. I envision and contribute to a world full of abundance, nourished people, and harmonious relationships. You can find me in the kitchen, on the trail, at the writing desk, in the garden, or soaking in a hot springs.
~Gamble everything for love, if you are a true human being. If not, leave this gathering. ~ Rumi

I have been unconventional in life every step of the way. I went through years of tumult with my family, trying to get them to accept my alternative visions- communal living, economies of abundance, natural medicine, subsistence farming, polyamory, trade work, learning through experience, minimalism, and more. As I've made countless unconventional decisions, I have gained some wisdom. I now can live from my heart's true essence without trying to convince others of its importance. Rather, I can lead by doing. I've found this has opened up my relationships to deeper realms and people are actually curious about my choices, rather than threatened.