Five years ago, I thought I knew my path as a woman, photojournalist, business owner, wife, and mother. But when I lost my husband to suicide, my world imploded, leaving me a shell of myself. Climbing out of the abyss of grief and loss changed my life. What once seemed important no longer mattered. I shed most of my possessions and moved from the USA to Portugal, embarking on a solo journey of self-discovery. Now, my life is filled with hikes, sunrise swims, and meaningful connections. I still dream of serving women changemakers and am building a sanctuary for widows like myself, helping them find their own rebirth.
I not only embrace it, I crave diversity and have always seen the world from the inside out as a photojournalist. I see the essence & pulse of humanity. I thrive in it. I consider myself unconventional, living outside of societal expectations & norms. I wouldn't have it any other way.