I am Mexican American and I enjoy splitting my time between Mexico and the US. I practiced Architecture for 10 years but I recently realized that it was not fulfilling me. Working with high profile clients has its pros and cons but at the end of the day it left me with a vast sense of emptiness. I don't plan on jettisoning the industry as Architecture will always be my first love but I’m now trying to focus on building more of a community that drives systemic change. I am a Remake Ambassador and I’m also creating content on YouTube (very tiny following but focusing on growing that this year). I am forever grateful to have found the Hermanas community and I’d love to be more involved in the future.

I travel as often as I can and always to a place I’ve never been before. It’s important to immerse myself in varying environments and celebrate humanity by learning more about different cultures. Career wise - I believe in a multi hyphen lifestyle as we are all multi layered beings and I think society can benefit from all of our facets rather than giving ourselves one specific title.